Rätsel der Eisenbahn

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Sichtbar auch für Gäste !
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von Torsten83 »

Hallo Jan,

ich verstehe die Frage nicht :Blind: wie sehe ich die um die Ecke?
Ich trage die auf und drücke sie an. Ich schneide die Decals meistens so ein, dass sie möglichst wenig Überlappung haben und dann haben sie auch hoffentlich keinen Faltenwurf. Vorkommen kann das aber auch.
Bei den Ausstellungswagen sehe ich da nun gar kein Problem, die sind ja nur in der Fläche gestaltet.

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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von sturmi84 »

Torsten83 hat geschrieben: Di 19. Nov 2019, 14:34 Hallo Gunnar,

warum sollte das nicht gehen? Decal-Folie drauf und fertig würde ich mal meinen...
Was sollte daran schwieriger sein, als an Werbelokomotiven:




Die Biergarten 111 ist genial :bravo: :1P:

Gruß Florian
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von Torsten83 »

Hallo Florian.
sturmi84 hat geschrieben: Di 19. Nov 2019, 15:41 Die Biergarten 111 ist genial :bravo: :1P:
Wäre Dir die vielleicht lieber als der Maxl? ("Bahnland Bayern") ;)

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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von cozi »

Hallo Torsten!
Dazu: warum sollte das nicht gehen? Decal-Folie drauf und fertig würde ich mal meinen...
Was sollte daran schwieriger sein, als an Werbelokomotiven?

Was Umbauten, Decals und Lackierungen angeht, spielst Du mit Sascha und anderen in einer eigenen Liga... finde ich toll und bewundere ich - ich denke aber, dass ca 80% der Leser hier gerne so einen Zug "out of the Box" hätten... Ich bin ganz Deiner Meinung, dass es einfach ist, so einen Zug selbst zu gestalten, aber selbst, wenn ich wollte, ist die Zeit dazu nicht da - schade...
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von sturmi84 »

Torsten83 hat geschrieben: Di 19. Nov 2019, 16:21 Hallo Florian.
sturmi84 hat geschrieben: Di 19. Nov 2019, 15:41 Die Biergarten 111 ist genial :bravo: :1P:
Wäre Dir die vielleicht lieber als der Maxl? ("Bahnland Bayern") ;)

Hm, schwere Entscheidung... 8-)
Aber wenn ich wählen könnte würd ich mich fürn Maxl entscheiden!

Gruß Florian
Gunnar Häberer
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von Gunnar Häberer »

Hallo Torsten,
nach meinem Dafürhalten finde ich das Design sehr aufwändig!
Es sind ja nicht irgendwelche Farbpunkte, die dann auch noch von dunkel zu hell und wieder zu dunkel verlaufen.
Die "Kleckse" tragen ja auch noch eine gewisse Grafik in sich. Da ich selbst mit Grafikprogrammen nichts zu tun habe, bilde ich mir ein, dass der Entwurf dafür aber sehr arbeitsintensiv sein muss!
Wer soll sich denn so viel Mühe aufhalsen?
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von jan99 »

Torsten83 hat geschrieben: Di 19. Nov 2019, 15:28 Hallo Jan,

ich verstehe die Frage nicht :Blind: wie sehe ich die um die Ecke?
Ich trage die auf und drücke sie an. Ich schneide die Decals meistens so ein, dass sie möglichst wenig Überlappung haben und dann haben sie auch hoffentlich keinen Faltenwurf. Vorkommen kann das aber auch.
Bei den Ausstellungswagen sehe ich da nun gar kein Problem, die sind ja nur in der Fläche gestaltet.

Einschneiden könnte schon das Zauberwort gewesen sein!

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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von Alex_dn »

Hi all,

I will try to answer to everyone: decal foil is acceptable, however it is not the best that current technology can offer. I used decals at the very beginning for Kibri trucks that I built about 5 years ago (not that trucks that I presented here recently). I printed them on decal paper (transparent or white, depending on usage scenario) using color laser printer. Models with decals looked nice, however it was not something that is offered by major manufacturers, and I tried to find a better technology that will be affordable for small series manufacturing.

By the way, Märklin also used decals (!) for imprints on the frond cabin of their old US EMD F7 locomotives, and even for earlier versions of BR 103 (thin dark red strip around the cabin). Later they switched to a more advanced technology.

Some time ago I have found local companies that offer high resolution pad printing and UV-printing on any surface for affordable prices. My first BR 155 locomotive was printed using pad printing technology - that is what used by all manufacturers to print micro lettering on all models. BR 155 in DB Cargo color scheme was printed only with white color. Pad printing in full color becomes very expensive and potentially very complex, because you need to make for this up to five stencils for transferring dyes to the pad (CMYK + White). Making only a single stencil is quite expensive too, but still affordable. Five stencils will cost extreme money (especially considering that you have to prepare different sets of stencils for each side of the model).

Even after all stencils produced, there is another problem: to align all pad printouts very precisely at the each stage of printing (number of print stages equal to the number of colors needed). Even a smallest misalignment can spoil the whole model (which, in addition, was primed and painted before printing, which, in turn, also took a lot of time and efforts). The whole process is almost automatic at the factories like Märklin, and due to a large run each single model does not cost too much. But, as you can see, it is very expensive for home use or even for small series. Therefore, it is clear for me why, for example, models from Freudenreich and SMZ cost much more than mass produced models from Märklin (along with other price-determining factors).

There is another very interesting technology that can be used for printing models - it is UV technology. It is widely used in printing various souvenir items - pens, lighters, plastic packages and so on. It can be used in printing model trains very successfully. UV printer is actually an inkjet printer with a printing pad that can be adjusted by height, and it prints using liquid ink that is instantly cured by UV light source. UV printer also usually has two additional ink colors - white (for printing a substrate before applying color inks if color image is being printed on non-white surface), and transparent, that is used as a primer to increase adhesion of inks on complex surfaces, for example, metal.

UV printing has a number of significant advantages - ability to print on convex surfaces (with certain limitations in height), and significantly lower price of a single printout (in comparison with pad printing) that does not depend on a number of colors or the nature of what is being printed (text, graphics or photos). You don't need to etch stencils for each color, as well as there is no risk that the model will be spoiled due to a misalignment errors.

Märklin (and Trix) widely uses UV printing in their manufacturing, including Z scale. These printers can be noticed even in their promo videos. This is exactly the technology that was used to make "Touristik" train sets, as well as many other models - Deutschlandlok (88587), RE460 VSLF (88467) etc. The whole locomotive body is "unwrapped" into separate surfaces - sides, roof and cabins, and printed separately. The main task of designer and printing operator is to align printable surfaces seamlessly, without visible transitions (some of them are still visible on some models upon careful examination).

For me, obvious downside of UV-printing - is still not sufficient print resolution. It is acceptable for H0, but ink dots are very visible in N and Z scales. I made a high resolution photo of different Z scale locomotives, please download it and view at 100% or higher scale. Two upper locomotives are printed using UV-printing (randomly scattered color dots are visible), while two lower locos (they are older) are printed with high-resolution pad printing (offset raster ornament is visible). Honestly, I like older locomotives more, because they have higher printing quality:


But anyway, each technology described above is definitely way better than any decals. I use both technologies in my own models - pad printing and UV-printing. I use pad printing when I need only one color to be printed (and also for printing on cabins), and UV-printing in most other cases - for printing logos, lettering and graphics in full color without any limits.

As for very interesting Science Train - it is relatively easy to make it in Z scale. What is needed: suitable 110 locomotive (surely exists in current lineup), a donor baggage car, in which doors and windows will be removed and then it will be cast in resin and painted with basic colors (white for sides and gray for roof). Another problem is graphic design. It is very hard to re-draw everything manually, so there are two ways - to find high resolution pictures of each car (preferably, exactly from the side, without geometric distortions), or to contact the company which designed this train and ask them to provide source graphics. As far as I know, many companies collaborate with model train manufacturers for free, however there is also a part of them who want model manufacturers to pay them money and to buy a license.

Gunnar Häberer
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von Gunnar Häberer »

Also ist aus Deiner Sicht Alex eigentlich nur die Beschaffung der Designvorlage das eigentliche Problem?

So from your point of view, Alex is really just the procurement of the design template the real problem?
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Re: Rätsel der Eisenbahn

Beitrag von Alex_dn »

Gunnar, it is one of major problems. Easy designs are easy to re-draw. Logos of many companies are available for download in vector format (and often provided by the companies itself). Such sophisticated design as one of the Science Train is really hard to re-draw from scratch. It is possible, however it will take too much time and efforts. In this specific case it's critical to get a template from original designer or company. As far as I know, that is exactly the way major train model companies go. But even if they have to pay a certain fee for using a particular design in a model, in many cases companies can afford far more than individuals.

Again, as for the Science Train, the next challenge is making of windowless coach from the baggage car. However, it is not too difficult, since I know exactly what to do and how.
